From data of MARRBERY, the volume of online-sales of clothing, shoe and accessories grows +7% on a year.
Color trends in fashion
Use fashionable colors in the own projects of design. Pantone leader in industry of colour decisions and universal language for designers.
Shade of blue periwinkle
spring summer
Leaders of sales of goods in fashion Shoes
Use top categories in your own design projects
Leaders of sales on commodities in a fashion Dressed
Use top categories in the own projects of design.
Leaders of sales of commodities in a fashion Accessories
Use top categories in your own design projects.
Marketplaces drive the market
Sales in the fashion segment grew the most on universal marketplaces + 56% of sales of specialized online fashion platforms as a whole grew by + 22% eCommerce’s penetration of the fashion market has almost doubled – from 14.5 to 26.7%. This is a huge growth: worldwide eCommerce market penetration increase of less than 3%.
2040 to 95% of all purchases will take place on-line. The international exchange of Nasdaq, that trades in the actions of large technological companies, talks about it.
As a result is a total economy of time and multiple decline of the risks related to the human factor. The program works around the clock, seven days in a week and is not mistaken from a tiredness or personal problems.
Business can turn to advantage, if in time will educe tendencies, a trend will define and correctly uses information.
Acceleration to success
That unites these tendencies, so it is new methods of work of food commands and suppliers; requirement in the internal in-plant training and in more skilled suppliers; change of role of offices of supply; and integral change of organizational structures in accordance with the requirements of clients. Basic obstacles that is saved are separate structures, tendency to give preference to the expenses above маржей product and to the shortage of digital instruments and skills.
Leaders of purchase department are in the forefront of digital transformation, stimulating development of skills and providing the right of ownership on these instruments in organization. Investments in the internal digital in-plant training, new engineering developments and other possibilities have a primary value. The fully integrated setting is needed: instead of that сосредотачиваться on separate instruments, we call companies on the production of clothing to work on full-scale digital and analytical transformation.
Organization of the future will determine calendars that will provide the healthy fields : many calendars are too diffuse or gone not enough into detail. Investments in the role of manager of calendar and clarification of roles and duties will open a considerable value. It is Extremely important to develop strategic potential of near abroad. Clear vision of requirements of different types of products, and also potential of development each the country-supplier has a decision value. Setting of the proper leading principles and key indexes of efficiency for organizations engaging in the search of suppliers, not only in regard to expenses but also in regard to flexibility and net income, will help to stimulate changes.
Partnership with the row of key suppliers has a decision value for the achievement of flexibility and transparency. Connection of suppliers to control system the life cycle of product(PLM) is recompensed very quickly, as well as achievement of complete transparency of terms of production and delivery. At the same time the construction of ecosystem becomes more important outside a level 1 for providing of sufficient and flexible supply raw material. Creation(digital) of ecosystem will not only promote speed and flexibility but also will provide a confidence in that products are ecologically safe and produced with the observance of ethic norms.
Successful organization of supply will provide an accent not only on the best prime price but also will rethink the duties of offices of supply. As commands of suppliers spend меньше time on traditional tasks, such as a management by orders, they will improve in other areas, including a management mutual relations with suppliers, digital and analytical skills.
What is a trend really
A trend is this strange word that today already almost means nothing, as “fashionable design” or “unique suggestion”. In our understanding it is simple change of consumer demand. The following current demand is impossible. There is not sense again and again to offer that was selling well already. A target audience needs to be enticed after itself, potential of brand will dry up otherwise.
Trend analytics - about the future?
Our company engages in prognostication of trends in the different types of business. Trend – it not that it will be, and then, that appears already now. The exposure of trend implies a mathematical and statistical analysis and methodology. Besides collection of information about an environment a trend is formed in that or inculcated, the methods of the expert estimation got through spotting – supervision are used. Now in Ukraine an expert estimation is taken into account less all, although she plays a substantial role. While abroad trend analytics actively work with spotting networks, look like a forum with treds, on the base of that necessary information is accumulated.
What is analyzed to understand fashion
When we forecast global trends in a fashion, we analyse films, exhibitions, books and designer shows. If we work directly on a customer, then besides deep interviews we look at a potential audience through social networks. In them we analyse photos, events, jokes. Important, as people take pictures itself – at home or outside, with whom, in what clothing. We go out on the level of values of consumer, search, that for him is really important. From these data we understand, what a man wanted to buy. For example, we this year had research for a new brand, producing a clothing for children. We examined young mothers in соцсетях. It turned out that almost for all mothers, buying the clothing of this price segment, there were mentions of nature : summer residence, collection of mushrooms, shashlick, fire. In addition, opinion is now widespread, that gender distinctions in a clothing are worn away. But at majority of interesting us target audience we it did not find out. Conclusions that we were able to do became at the choice of relevant trends and construction of collection.
Assortment simplification
Most companies plan cardinal changes in planning of assortment and designer decisions, passing to the decline of complication of product. Many will follow approach “less than means anymore”, with greater seasonal reactivity and less of variants.
Focusing on Product Design and Development Efficiency
Virtual planning – it revolutionary technology that provides speed and flexibility abbreviates time of development and promotes economic efficiency.
Building partnerships
Companies strategically cooperate with reliable suppliers, especially with those that invest in digitising and in-plant training, and also quickly and flexibly in regard to productive cycles and sizes of parties.
Should we look far into the future?
As for the analysis of microtrends and macrotrends, it is not worth spending resources on tracking the latter, since their cycle is several decades. These include demographic trends, ecology, and so on. Industrial trends have a shorter cycle, and here you need to keep your finger on the pulse. And there is a turning point, when the trend can change course very sharply. On top of everything, sometimes business representatives know which direction the industry is going, but may disagree with this vector. Such examples were in the history of Kodak and Nokia. And you can follow the trends and earn money effectively.