Topical research

call to the cloud

The need for speed and agility


3 minutes of reading

At a glance

Modern manufacturing businesses rely on frequent collaborative innovation to develop next-generation products and services for their customers. However, as legacy telephony systems, communications platforms, and file sharing technologies age, companies are facing a fragmented and siloed multi-vendor environment. This may hinder their ability to cooperate with the required pace and flexibility.

Full history

This is the situation faced by a multinational manufacturing company based in Europe. The company has used a variety of technologies and platforms to meet its communication and collaboration needs. This fragmented legacy setup became increasingly burdensome. Chempi Ko realized that a more modern approach was needed. Target? To centralize your collaboration platforms by providing a single platform to communicate, collaborate, and share documents across your entire business—from any device, from anywhere.

Stages of Implementation

Years of partnership with cloud experts, we have implemented the company system in stages and our unique ability to support the program from start to finish meant we were ideally placed to help. In fact, we’ve already been instrumental in helping the company plan for a broader cloud transformation into a program. This work included a detailed assessment of the company’s existing technology environment and a number of key modernization recommendations, including the migration of the entire business. into software with leading industry leaders such as Microsoft Teams. 

Then, working closely with Chempi Ko employees, we began a phased migration to the cloud. But it was more than just a technical task. 

The Marrbery team also coordinated many other aspects of the program, including project management, change management and communications, and technical support management setup. In just four and a half months, the company successfully migrated 90% of its employees to the cloud platform. They now have a modern, unified cloud collaboration and communication platform for flexible manufacturing businesses.

When technology meets human ingenuity

90% employees

successfully migrated and transformed into a cloud program

80+% level

Satisfaction in time employees and the company learned from increasing revenues, optimizing costs and running a sustainable business.

< 4.5 months

A modern, unified cloud collaboration and communication platform for flexible manufacturing businesses

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The flexibility of the new platform will prove especially important as the world is shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite a crisis that erupted just as implementation began, the team has shown resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. This meant successfully overcoming a global shortage of headset hardware while addressing the company’s urgent need to rapidly transition some key employees to the cloud platform.

* We take the privacy of our customers seriously. Although we have changed their names, the results are real.