
What will Industry 4.0 look like?

Learn how successful companies maximize the ROI of digitalization of operations.


What is Industry 4.0 


The Fourth Industrial Revolution) – a new approach to production based on the massive introduction of information technology into industry, automation of business processes and the spread of artificial intelligence.

Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Artificial Intelligence should become one of the key technologies in the radical transformation of the economy, society and labor market. Other aspects of the industry can be added:

Internet stuff

The Internet of Things technology, which is designed to connect the physical and digital worlds, has revolutionized many sectors. In fact, billions of devices are already connected, and more and more devices are becoming smart. Against this background, identification technologies – RFID in particular – are acting as an intermediary between the world of the Internet of Things and the virtual environment.


RFID is an important source in the role of the Internet of Things (IoT) data stream, powering a real-time monitoring ecosystem in digitized facilities that enables fast and optimal decision-making. With RFID, real-time product visibility, understanding of product characteristics, and assortment and distribution adjustments can be accomplished most accurately. In a broad sense, RFID is a unifying element for other Industry 4.0 technologies.

Collaborative robot

Robotics is constantly evolving, and robots specifically designed to physically interact with humans in a collaborative environment will be of key importance to industry. Among other things, they will optimize the industry and relieve workers of monotonous and dangerous tasks.

Augmented and virtual reality

Augmented reality and virtual reality are technologies that combine the real world with the digital world. It is now possible to create realistic images, sounds, and other images that can transport you right into the center of an exciting fictional world.

Big data

The latest advances in technology have significantly reduced the cost of storage and computation, enabling you to store and process ever-increasing amounts of data. Today’s technology allows you to store and process more data for less cost, giving you the ability to make more accurate and informed business decisions.

3D and 4D printing

These days we have the means to develop prototypes – or products for sale – quickly, precisely and economically using 3D and 4D printing. This technology is becoming increasingly important in design, architecture, engineering, etc.

Industry 4.0 technology is needed right now


Metallurgical companies are implementing information systems aimed at increasing production efficiency. It is important for management to know how much raw material is consumed in a particular furnace, what deviations from consumption rates occur, what causes them, what is the level of consumption, etc. New technologies make it possible to control these parameters as precisely and promptly as possible. 3D-printing cannot yet fully compete with traditional metal processing methods due to the high cost of powders, extremely strict requirements to their surface and particle structure, and variations in the quality of finished products. But technology does not stand still, and 3D printing is improving, forcing powder metallurgy to move forward.


The first is design. The introduction of three-dimensional design in a digital environment, the so-called BIM (Building Information Modeling) technologies, completely overturns the usual technological process. Designing ceases to be a "black box". The state of the project is available at any time to everyone who takes part in it.


Agriculture is one of the areas where unmanned vehicles can show maximum efficiency. It is worth noting that in agriculture the tasks of low power consumption of the IoT sensors and sensors used, as well as long battery life, measured not in months, but in years, are relevant. Also, "smart" greenhouses are used in agriculture, where temperature, humidity levels and other parameters are regulated automatically, in some cases using artificial intelligence technology. "Smart" farms use the Internet of Things to track the movement and health of animals.

The components of Industry 4.0


  1.  Internet of Things
  2. Artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics
  3. Cloud computing
  4. Big Data
  5. Additive manufacturing
  6. Cybersecurity
  7. Integration System
  8. Modeling
  9. Augmented Reality

Unlocking values through Industry 4.0

Enhanced efficiency

Lower cost

More flexibility

Entering a new market

Creating a factory from scratch


Getting mountains of data is one thing, but using it to improve results is quite another. This challenge is becoming increasingly urgent for manufacturing companies. Many executive teams are collecting entire treasure troves of data in the hope that it will help them make better decisions. But to get the most out of data, companies need to connect technology and data collection tools to their long-term strategies and change management work.


Implementing Industry 4.0 is a process that can take years, and more applications will develop as the technology continues to evolve. It is critical that manufacturers start adopting technology now. This will create the organizational and technical capacity for more ambitious projects in the future, such as full data integration throughout the product lifecycle.? Choose Marrbery as your partner and we will help you meet your challenges.


We provide comprehensive services to clients in the sector along the entire value chain, from raw materials to the end consumer. We are customer-oriented and have an understanding of national and international market trends.